I began my voyage of learning on UCLA Extension's TESOL program in 2020. This is my final assignment of the program. The portfolio integrates prior learning, assignments, lesson plans and observations from the TESOL courses and provides students the opportunity to reflect and refine their teaching practices. Participants compile a professional, digital portfolio that captures and highlights their best work from each course. The portfolio also includes the development of professional goals and a comprehensive teaching philosophy.
To effectively learn English in a non English-speaking region like Hong Kong, apart from a firm grip in relevant linguistic structures, students should also understand the culture and logic in association with the language. Therefore, unlike conventional teaching methods that focus on the accuracy and fluency of the target language, I also teach students how to think, use, and behave in an English way.
Selected Qualifications
Master of Arts in Applied Language Studies in Education, King’s College London
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in English, The University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies, The University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (English Major), The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science in Management and Systems, City University London (Now City, University of London)
TESOL Certification Program, UCLA Extension [Current Study]
Awards and Professional Qualifications
Outstanding Teacher Award, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Long Service Award, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Registered Teacher, Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government
Professional Community Services
Copywriter & Copyeditor, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
LPATE Assessor for HKEAA, HKU, HKIEd
香港教師語文能力評核(英語)考官 [主辦機構/學院包括:香港考評局、香港大學及香港教育學院]
Adjudicator for Semi-finals, Singtao Inter-school English Debating Competition
Executive Committee Member, King’s College London Alumni Association (Hong Kong Branch)
Interlocutor, Pitman Qualifications SESL
Selected Work Experience
The University of Hull UK English for Academic Purposes Prorgamme
The University of Plymouth UK English for Academic Purposes Prorgamme
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Management Studies and Bachelor of Accounting English Courses
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
City University of Hong Kong
HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
The Vocational Training Council
Kaplan Language Hong Kong
Institutions My Previous Students From
Doctoral Degree:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University [Dissertation was award-winning]
Master's Degree:
The University of Surrey UK [Dissertation score: Over 70 = First class honours]
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Bachelor's Degree:
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [Admitted to The University of Warwick UK]
The University of Warwick UK
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Secondary School:
Diocesan Girls' School [9A in HKCEE and admitted to the HKU medical school; now a medical doctor in Hong Kong]
Diocesan Boys' School
St Stephen's Girls' College [Now studying speech therapy in the UK]
Hong Kong University Graduate Association College [Admitted to HKU's BSc in Quantitative Finance]
St Paul's Secondary School
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
St Louis School
South China Normal University Affiliated Middle School, Guangzhou